A Million Teardrops Fall !
Joe Hamilton
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.s Fotos - Tagung: "Der Dritte Pol in Gefahr - Chinas Umweltpolitik in Tibet
Die Umwelttagung der Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V. (TID)
Tagung "Der Dritte Pol in Gefahr - Chinas Umweltpolitik in Tibet"
Am 25. März 2011 fand unter der Schirmherrschaft von Dr. Franz Alt die Umwelttagung der Tibet Initiative Deutschland in der Hessischen Landesvertretung in Berlin statt. Über 100 Besucher folgten mit Begeisterung den Vorträgen von Dr. Franz Alt, Gabriel Lafitte, Claude Arpi, Tenzin Norbu und Kelsang Gyaltsen. www.tibet-initiative.de
Zum Tagungsbericht: http://www.tibet-initiative.de/de/die_tid/highlights/umwelttagung_2011/

Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.s Fotos - Tagung: "Der Dritte Pol in Gefahr - Chinas Umweltpolitik in Tibet.
Foto: Christine Grasser/TID
Tagung "Der Dritte Pol in Gefahr - Chinas Umweltpolitik in Tibet"
Am 25. März 2011 fand unter der Schirmherrschaft von Dr. Franz Alt die Umwelttagung der Tibet Initiative Deutschland in der Hessischen Landesvertretung in Berlin statt. Über 100 Besucher folgten mit Begeisterung den Vorträgen von Dr. Franz Alt, Gabriel Lafitte, Claude Arpi, Tenzin Norbu und Kelsang Gyaltsen. www.tibet-initiative.de
Zum Tagungsbericht: http://www.tibet-initiative.de/de/die_tid/highlights/umwelttagung_2011/

Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.s Fotos - Tagung: "Der Dritte Pol in Gefahr - Chinas Umweltpolitik in Tibet.
Foto: Christine Grasser/TID
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tibetan monks living in Taiwan pray for the victims of Japan's deadly tsunami during a Buddhism ceremony in front of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Thursday, March 17, 2011
♥ We love you, Holiness ♥

United Nations For a Free Tibet
♥ We love you, Holiness ♥
In honour of the retirement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Written and performed by Joe Hamilton.
Joe Hamilton
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
FREE TIBET: 52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Frankfurt, Western Germany

52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Frankfurt, Western Germany
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Walk for Tibet in Australia - 24 July 2011

Walk for Tibet in Australia - 24 July 2011.
Walk for Tibet in Australia - Melbourne - 24 July 2011
Welcome to the Melbourne page for Walk for Tibet in Australia! Ever since the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1949 the Tibetan people have suffered oppression, torture and genocide and live with "constant fear and anxiety" (HH the Dalai Lama). Many live in Exile.
Thousands have been killed. Stand up and walk with us on this fine Sunday and show your support for the Tibetan people to the world! Come on Melbourne!!!
About the Event
Melbourne, Australia
On Sunday July 24, 2011, at 9AM, hundreds of people will gather in Federation Square in Melbourne ready for UNFFT's (United Nations For a Free Tibet) 5km 'Walk for Tibet': a show of solidarity with the Tibetan people who have been through so much and who continue to endure incredible hardships under repressive and genocidal Chinese rule. We will be joined by thousands across the country, and we will show the world that we do not accept torture, and we do not accept murder. We will Walk for Tibet!
Friday, March 11, 2011
52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Frankfurt, Western Germany

52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Frankfurt, Western Germany
Bacninh Nguyen
52nd Tibet Uprising Day - Frankfurt
Germany 10.3.2011
WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted
legislation declaring Tibet an occupied country whose true
representatives are the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
Government-in-exile; and
WHEREAS, the Governor and the State of Wisconsin has
passed a resolution declaring March 10, 2011 as Tibet Day; and
WHEREAS, the United Nations human rights sub commission
has passed a resolution concerning the present threat to the distinct
cultural, religious, and national identity of the Tibetan people; and
WHEREAS, the suppression of human rights and freedom in
Tibet must be a concern of all freedom-loving people everywhere; and
WHEREAS, despite multiple attempts by the Dalai Lama
and the Tibetan government-in-exile, the People’s Republic of China
refused to negotiate in good faith to improve human rights and
freedoms for the Tibetan people; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2011, Tibetans throughout the
world will gather in their host countries to commemorate the 52nd
Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising against the Chinese
occupation of their country and to honor more than one million
Tibetans who died in their struggle for the independence of Tibet; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Tibetan Association and the
University of Wisconsin-Madison Students for a Free Tibet will this
year gather at the Library Mall in Madison; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting that we recognize Madison’s
Tibetan Community and its plea for justice on this 52nd anniversary of
Tibetan National Uprising;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Madison,
Wisconsin, does hereby proclaim March 10, 2011, as
TIBET DAY in the City of Madison.
Mayor David J. Cieslewicz
Signed and sealed this 10th day of March 2011 at City Hall.
WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted
legislation declaring Tibet an occupied country whose true
representatives are the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
Government-in-exile; and
WHEREAS, the Governor and the State of Wisconsin has
passed a resolution declaring March 10, 2011 as Tibet Day; and
WHEREAS, the United Nations human rights sub commission
has passed a resolution concerning the present threat to the distinct
cultural, religious, and national identity of the Tibetan people; and
WHEREAS, the suppression of human rights and freedom in
Tibet must be a concern of all freedom-loving people everywhere; and
WHEREAS, despite multiple attempts by the Dalai Lama
and the Tibetan government-in-exile, the People’s Republic of China
refused to negotiate in good faith to improve human rights and
freedoms for the Tibetan people; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2011, Tibetans throughout the
world will gather in their host countries to commemorate the 52nd
Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising against the Chinese
occupation of their country and to honor more than one million
Tibetans who died in their struggle for the independence of Tibet; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Tibetan Association and the
University of Wisconsin-Madison Students for a Free Tibet will this
year gather at the Library Mall in Madison; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting that we recognize Madison’s
Tibetan Community and its plea for justice on this 52nd anniversary of
Tibetan National Uprising;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Madison,
Wisconsin, does hereby proclaim March 10, 2011, as
TIBET DAY in the City of Madison.
Mayor David J. Cieslewicz
Signed and sealed this 10th day of March 2011 at City Hall.
March 10th: Tibetan Uprising Day 2011 in Germany
Actionday 10th of March 2011
Solidarity-Actions in Germany
1150 German City Halls raised the Tibetan Flag!
Norbu Gyana Tshang la (from Stuttgart) was with us in Frankfurt (he was with David Demes on the "Die-In" Protest at the Tianmen Place in Beijing August 2008 during the Peking Olympic).
Attached above is Lobsang Sherab la in front of the Hofheim City Hall yesterday, where the Tibetan Flag was raised yesterday also, before he went to Frankfurt to join the Rally and March with us.
52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Munich, Southern Germany

52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Munich, Southern Germany
Photo Courtesy: Mr. Le Quang Thanh
10. March 2011: Munich: Solidarity Demonstration on the Tibet Uprising Day of the year 1959, in front of the chinese consulate,
Romanstreet 107 in 80639 Munich, Bavaria, Southern Germany.
52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Duesseldorf, Western Germany
52nd Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Duesseldorf, Western Germany
Photo Courtesy from vietnamese Monk Thich An Tam.
Video of Tibet Uprising Day 2011 in Duesseldorf, Germany (raw material of vietnamese Monk Thich An Tam) :
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Long Life His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama

United Nations For a Free Tibet
"If citizens are fully informed, they have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Censorship and the restriction of information violate basic human decency." HH Dalai Lama
STATEMENT OF HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA on the 52nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day--March 10th, 2011:
[NOTE: Ceremonies commemorating the 52nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day will be held on March 10th, 2011, from the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, India. The event starts at 9 a.m. Indian Standar...d time (eg., that's 7:30 p.m. Mar. 9th in California, but if you missed it, no worries, as most of the speeches will be in Tibetan) and will include His Holiness the Dalai Lama's annual March 10th Statement (below). Google "Time - Current time around the World and standard time zones map" to see what time you can view this global webcast where you live. Daylight Savings doesn't begin in America until Mar. 13th, so that's not a factor. Live webcast at DalaiLama.com website ]
STATEMENT of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the 52nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day--March 10th, 2011:
Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan people’s peaceful uprising of 1959 against Communist China’s repression in the Tibetan capital Lhasa, and the third anniversary of the non-violent demonstrations that took place across Tibet in 2008. On this occasion, I would like to pay tribute to and pray for those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the just cause of Tibet. I express my solidarity with those who continue to suffer repression and pray for the well-being of all sentient beings.
For more than sixty years, Tibetans, despite being deprived of freedom and living in fear and insecurity, have been able to maintain their unique Tibetan identity and cultural values. More consequentially, successive new generations, who have no experience of free Tibet, have courageously taken responsibility in advancing the cause of Tibet. This is admirable, for they exemplify the strength of Tibetan resilience.
This Earth belongs to humanity and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) belongs to its 1.3 billion citizens, who have the right to know the truth about the state of affairs in their country and the world at large. If citizens are fully informed, they have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Censorship and the restriction of information violate basic human decency. For instance, China’s leaders consider the communist ideology and its policies to be correct. If this were so, these policies should be made public with confidence and open to scrutiny.
China, with the world’s largest population, is an emerging world power and I admire the economic development it has made. It also has huge potential to contribute to human progress and world peace. But to do that, China must earn the international community’s respect and trust. In order to earn such respect, China’s leaders must develop greater transparency, their actions corresponding to their words.
To ensure this, freedom of expression and freedom of the press are essential. Similarly, transparency in governance can help check corruption. In recent years, China has seen an increasing number of intellectuals calling for political reform and greater openness. Premier Wen Jiabao has also expressed support for these concerns. These are significant indications and I welcome them.
The PRC is a country comprising many nationalities, enriched by a diversity of languages and cultures. Protection of the language and culture of each nationality is a policy of the PRC, which is clearly spelt out in its constitution. Tibetan is the only language to preserve the entire range of the Buddha’s teachings, including the texts on logic and theories of knowledge (epistemology), which we inherited from India’s Nalanda University.
This is a system of knowledge governed by reason and logic that has the potential to contribute to the peace and happiness of all beings. Therefore, the policy of undermining such a culture, instead of protecting and developing it, will in the long run amount to the destruction of humanity’s common heritage.
The Chinese government frequently states that stability and development in Tibet is the foundation for its long-term well-being. However, the authorities still station large numbers of troops all across Tibet, increasing restrictions on the Tibetan people. Tibetans live in constant fear and anxiety. More recently, many Tibetan intellectuals, public figures and environmentalists have been punished for articulating the Tibetan people’s basic aspirations. They have been imprisoned allegedly for “subverting state power,” when actually they have been giving voice to the Tibetan identity and cultural heritage.
Such repressive measures undermine unity and stability. Likewise, in China, lawyers defending people’s rights, independent writers and human-rights activists have been arrested. I strongly urge the Chinese leaders to review these developments and release these prisoners of conscience forthwith.
The Chinese government claims there is no problem in Tibet, other than the personal privileges and status of the Dalai Lama. The reality is that the ongoing oppression of the Tibetan people has provoked widespread, deep resentment against current official policies. People from all walks of life frequently express their discontentment.
That there is a problem in Tibet is reflected in the Chinese authorities’ failure to trust Tibetans or win their loyalty. Instead, the Tibetan people live under constant suspicion and surveillance. Chinese and foreign visitors to Tibet corroborate this grim reality.
Therefore, just as we were able to send fact-finding delegations to Tibet in the late 1970s and early 1980s from among Tibetans in exile, we propose similar visits again. At the same time, we would encourage the sending of representatives of independent international bodies, including parliamentarians. If they were to find that Tibetans in Tibet are happy, we would readily accept it.
The spirit of realism that prevailed under Mao’s leadership in the early 1950s led China to sign the "17-Point Agreement" with Tibet. A similar spirit of realism prevailed once more during Hu Yaobang’s time in the early 1980s. If there had been a continuation of such realism, the Tibetan issue, as well as several other problems, could easily have been solved. Unfortunately, conservative views derailed these policies. The result is that after more than six decades, the problem has become more intractable.
The Tibetan Plateau is the source of the major rivers of Asia. Because it has the largest concentration of glaciers apart from the two Poles, it is considered to be the Third Pole. Environmental degradation in Tibet will have a detrimental impact on large parts of Asia, particularly on China and the Indian subcontinent. Both the central and local governments, as well as the Chinese public, should realize the degradation of the Tibetan environment, and develop sustainable measures to safeguard it. I appeal to China to take into account the survival of people affected by what happens environmentally on the Tibetan Plateau.
In our efforts to solve the issue of Tibet, we have consistently pursued the mutually-beneficial Middle-Way Approach, which seeks genuine autonomy for the Tibetan people within the PRC. In our talks with officials of the Chinese government’s United Front Work Department, we have clearly explained, in detail, the Tibetan people’s hopes and aspirations. The lack of any positive response to our reasonable proposals makes us wonder whether these were fully and accurately conveyed to the higher authorities.
Since ancient times, Tibetan and Chinese peoples have lived as neighbors. It would be a mistake if our unresolved differences were to affect this age-old friendship. Special efforts are being made to promote good relations between Tibetans and Chinese living abroad, and I am happy that this has contributed to better understanding and friendship between us. Tibetans inside Tibet should also cultivate good relations with our Chinese brothers and sisters.
In recent weeks, we have witnessed remarkable non-violent struggles for freedom and democracy in various parts of North Africa and elsewhere. I am a firm believer in non-violence and people-power, and these events have shown, once again, that determined non-violent action can indeed bring about positive change. We must all hope that these inspiring changes lead to genuine freedom, happiness and prosperity for the peoples in these countries.
One of the aspirations I have cherished since childhood is the reform of Tibet’s political and social structure, and in the few years when I held effective power in Tibet, I managed to make some fundamental changes. Although I was unable to take this further in Tibet, I have made every effort to do so since we came into exile. Today, within the framework of the "Charter for Tibetans in Exile," the Kalon Tripa, the political leadership, and the people’s representatives are directly elected by the people. We have been able to implement democracy, in exile, that is in keeping with the standards of an open society.
As early as the 1960s, I have repeatedly stressed that Tibetans need a leader, elected freely by the Tibetan people, to whom I can devolve power. Now, we have clearly reached the time to put this into effect. During the forthcoming eleventh session of the fourteenth Tibetan Parliament in Exile, which begins on 14th March, I will formally propose that the necessary amendments be made to the "Charter for Tibetans in Exile," reflecting my decision to devolve my formal authority to the elected leader.
Since I made my intention clear, I have received repeated and earnest requests both from within Tibet and outside, to continue to provide political leadership. My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility. It is to benefit Tibetans in the long run. It is not because I feel disheartened. Tibetans have placed such faith and trust in me that as one among them, I am committed to playing my part in the just cause of Tibet. I trust that gradually, people will come to understand my intention, will support my decision and, accordingly, let it take effect.
I would like to take this opportunity to remember the kindness of the leaders of various nations that cherish justice, members of parliaments, intellectuals and Tibet Support Groups, who have been steadfast in their support for the Tibetan people. In particular, we will always remember the kindness and consistent support of the people and Government of India and State Governments for generously helping Tibetans preserve and promote their religion and culture, and ensuring the welfare of Tibetans in exile. To all of them, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.
With my prayers for the welfare and happiness of all sentient beings.
10 March 2011
Dharamsala, India
Australia, Victoria: March 10 Tibet Vigil Melbourne 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Flaggenaktion zum 10. März 2011 : Flagge zeigen für Tibet

Flaggenaktion zum 10. März 2011
Flagge zeigen für Tibet
10. März 2011
Feierliche Flaggenhissung
11:00-16:30 Uhr Feierliche Flaggenhissung in Stuttgart mit TID-Infostand. Ca. 12.30 Uhr Rede von Michael Föll, Erster Bürgermeister von Stuttgart, Schlossplatz.
10. März 2011
Flaggenhissung auf dem Luisenplatz
8:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung an den Flaggenmasten vor der Sparkasse in Anwesenheit der Dezernenten Partsch und Wenzel, Luisenplatz.
overlooking Abu Dhabi: Tibet Flag on Tibetan Uprising Day 2011
FREE TIBET: Join a Protest for Tibet on March 10th, 2011

Join a Protest for Tibet on March 10th 2011.
March 10, 2011: 52nd Commemoration of the 1959 Tibetan National Uprising.
Presseerklärung zum 10. März 2011, dem 52. Jahrestag des Tibetischen Volksaufstands
"Eine Frage des Anstands!"
1150 Bürgermeister zeigen Flagge für Tibet
Stand 8. März 2011, 12 Uhr – 1150 Teilnehmerstädte
1150 Städte, Gemeinden und Landkreise in ganz Deutschland hissen am 10. März auf ihren Rathäusern, öffentlichen Gebäuden und ihren Internetseiten die Flagge Tibets, darunter die Landeshauptstädte Bremen, Hannover, Magdeburg, Potsdam, Saarbrücken, Stuttgart und Wiesbaden. Sie bekräftigen damit, stellvertretend für Tausende von Bürgern, das Recht des tibetischen Volkes auf Selbstbestimmung und protestieren gegen die Menschenrechtsverletzungen und die Zerstörung der tibetischen Kultur, Religion und nationalen Identität. Aufgerufen zu dieser Aktion hat zum 16. Mal die Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.
Die seit Jahren stetig wachsende Zahl von Teilnehmern zeigt nicht nur, daß die Tibetfrage international nach wie vor als offene Frage angesehen wird – sie beweist auch, daß Chinas Beteuerungen, in Tibet stünde alles zum Besten, auch im Ausland kein Glaube mehr geschenkt wird. Pekings Tibetpolitik ist ganz offensichtlich gescheitert. Drei Jahre nach den Unruhen von 2008 ist das Land immer noch gesperrt für Journalisten ebenso wie für Vertreter internationaler Organisationen. Doch ein Land, das andere unterdrückt, ist selbst nicht frei.
Chinas „Death Watching“ in der Annahme, nach dem Ableben des Dalai Lama werde sich das Tibetproblem von allein lösen, wird nicht aufgehen. Die chinesische Führung sollte ihre starre Haltung aufgeben und sich endlich zu ernsthaften Gesprächen mit Vertretern der tibetischen Seite bereitfinden. Sie kann dabei nur gewinnen. Denn es ist durchaus nicht sicher, ob sich das tibetische Volk nach 60 Jahren Unterdrückung ohne den mäßigenden Einfluß des Dalai Lama mit einer Autonomielösung zufrieden gäbe. Es scheint, daß die Kompromißbereitschaft des tibetischen Oberhaupts als Schwäche gewertet wird.
In dieser Situation für Tibet Flagge zu zeigen ist ein Bekenntnis zu globaler Verantwortung – auch in der Politik. „Wenn Deutschland am Hindukusch verteidigt wird, warum sollen dann die Rechte der Tibeter nicht von Deutschland aus verteidigt werden?“ sagt Monika Deimann, die Koordinatorin der Aktion. „Es ist dringend geboten, das tibetische Volk als Subjekt in der Politik wahrzunehmen. Unsere Regierung muß endlich mit den Tibetern direkt sprechen. Sie sollte den Dalai Lama als Repräsentanten seines Volkes empfangen und auch das Gespräch mit Vertretern der Tibetischen Exilregierung suchen, die am 20. März demokratisch gewählt wird. So wichtig der bilaterale Dialog mit China auch sein mag, es geht nicht an, weiterhin nur mit den Besatzern über die Besetzten zu reden!“
Bei der Flaggenaktion zum 10. März geht es im Kern weder um Menschenrechtsverletzungen noch um Außenpolitik – es geht um die Frage von Recht und Unrecht. Unrecht, das dem tibetischen Volk seit Jahrzehnten angetan wird und das man nicht hinnehmen darf, wenn man nicht die eigenen demokratischen Werte verletzen will. Ein Bürgermeister in diesem Jahr brachte es auf den Punkt, als er sagte: „Für Tibet Flagge zu zeigen ist eine Frage des Anstands!“
Die Tibet Initiative Deutschland dankt den Oberbürgermeisterinnen und Oberbürgermeistern, den Bürgermeisterinnen und Bürgermeistern, den Landrätinnen und Landräten für ihre Unterstützung der tibetischen Sache und ihr Eintreten für die universelle Gültigkeit demokratischer Werte.
Teilnehmer 2011 (Stand 8. März): Baden-Württemberg 175, Bayern 188, Berlin 4, Brandenburg 27, Bremen 12, Hessen 157, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 19, Niedersachsen 117, Nordrhein-Westfalen 133, Rheinland-Pfalz 115, Saarland 33, Sachsen 82, Sachsen-Anhalt 56, Schleswig-Holstein 22, Thüringen 10
Für weitere Informationen und Interviewanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Monika DEIMANN-CLEMENSKoordination FlaggenaktionTel. 06047 – 78 16, Mobil: 0174 – 789 63 36
Email: tibetflagge@web.de
Wolfgang GRADER
1. Vorsitzender TID e.V.
Mobil: 0173 – 370 83 50
Email: grader@tibet-initiative.de
Presseerklärung als PDF
Presseerklärung in Englisch
Press Release for March 10, 2011, 52nd commemoration of the Tibetan National Uprising
“A Question of Integrity”
1150 mayors fly the flag for Tibet!
Number of participants as of March 9, 2011 (12 p.m.) – 1150 towns and cities
1150 cities, municipalities and counties all over Germany are raising the Tibetan flag on
March 10 at town halls and public buildings and displaying it on their websites, including the regional capitals Bremen, Hanover, Magdeburg, Potsdam, Saarbruecken, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden. By doing so, they affirm on behalf of thousands of citizens the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination and protest against the violations of human rights and the destruction of the Tibetan people's culture, religion and national identity. Every year since 1996, Tibet Initiative Deutschland (Tibet Support Group Germany) calls for this nationwide action.
The ever growing number of participants on one side clearly demonstrates that the issue of
Tibet is still regarded as unresolved, on the other side it signals that Beijing’s permanent assertions of everything in Tibet being at its best have lost their credibility. Beijing’s Tibet policy has obviously failed. Three years after the protests of 2008 the region is still closed to journalists and representatives of international organisations. But a country which suppresses others is not a free country itself.
China’s “Death Watching” – the assumption that once the Dalai Lama is gone the issue of
Tibet will fade away – will not work out. The Chinese leadership should abandon its rigid
attitude and finally consent to hold meaningful talks with the Tibetan side. Afer all, it would be to its own advantage. There is no guarantee at all that after 60 years of repression the Tibetan people, without the moderate influence of the Dalai Lama, would accept the alternative of autonomy. It seems that the Tibetan leader’s willingness to compromise is seen as weakness.
Flying the Tibetan national flag under these circumstances is a commitment to global
responsibility – also in politics. “If Germany’s interests are defended at the Hindu Kush why should the rights of the Tibetans not be defended from within Germany?”, said Monika
Deimann, the campaign’s coordinator. “It is imperative to perceive the Tibetan people as an acting subject in politics. It’s overdue that our government talks directly to the Tibetan people. It should welcome the Dalai Lama as legitimate representative of his people and be willing to engage with representatives of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile.
On March 20 a new Tibetan-Government-in Exile- will be democratically elected by the Tibetan diaspora.
However important the dialogue with China might be, it’s unacceptable to keep on talking
with the occupiers about the occupied.”
The flag campaign on March 10 is not a matter of human rights’violations or of foreign
policy – it is a matter of justice and injustice. An injustice that the Tibetan people have endure for decades up to the present day and which we should not accept if we do not wish not to violate our own democratic values. This year, one of the participating mayors put it in a nutshell: “To fly the flag for Tibet is a question of integrity”.
Tibet Initiative Deutschland thanks the heads of cities, municipalities and counties for
supporting the Tibetan cause and for their commitment to the universality of
democratic values.
For the current list of participants 2011, messages of support as well as background
information about March 10 and the flag-campaign please refer to www.tibetflagge.net.
There is also a digital Tibetan Flag available for download.
Participants 2011(as per 7 March): Baden-Württemberg 175, Bavaria 188, Berlin 4,
Brandenburg 27, Bremen 12, Hesse 157, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 19, Lower Saxony
117, North Rhine-Westphalia 131, Rhineland-Palatinate 115, Saarland 33, Saxony 82,
Saxony-Anhalt 56, Schleswig-Holstein 22, Thuringia 10.
In 1949/50 the sovereign Tibet was illegally and in violation of international law occupied by the People’s Republic of China and in 1951 it was annexed. On March 10, 1959, Tibetans in Lhasa stood up against their Chinese occupiers. According to official Chinese figures 87.000 Tibetans lost their lives in the following crackdown. On March 17, 1959 the Dalai Lama fled into exile to India to evade the stranglehold of the Chinese.
For further information and requests for interviews please contact:
Monika Deimann-Clemens
Flag campaign’s coordinator
Tel. +49 - 6047 – 7816
Mobile: +49 - 174 – 789 63 36
Email: tibetflagge@web.de
March for Freedom 2011: Join the 52nd Commemoration of the Tibetan National Uprising: www.March10.org.

March for Freedom: Join the 52nd Commemoration of the Tibetan National Uprising: www.March10.org.
India: 52nd TIBETAN UPRISING DAY" EVENT - 10th March 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vietnamese Language: Tuyên bố báo chí kêu gọi biểu tình toàn cầu để tưởng niệm năm thứ 52 cuộc nổi dậy của người Tây Tạng
For Immediate Release
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
E-mail: unfft@gmx.com
Tuyên bố báo chí kêu gọi biểu tình toàn cầu để tưởng niệm năm thứ 52 cuộc nổi dậy của người Tây Tạng
Oakland, 01 tháng 3 năm 2011 - Hơn sáu thập kỷ sau khi cuộc xâm lược của Trung Cộng Tây Tạng vẫn là thực tế buồn rằng Tây Tạng vẫn không phải là một nước tự do, nhưng tiếp tục bị khủng bố bởi những kẻ xâm lược của quốc gia này. Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do, cùng với những người lưu vong Tây Tạng, nhiều nhóm / tổ chức của Tây Tạng tự do và ủng hộ viên của họ trong hàng chục quốc gia, một lần nữa tuần hành ngày 10 tháng 3 để tưởng niệm lần thứ 52 của cuộc nổi dậy của Tây Tạng năm 1959 và thể hiện tình đoàn kết với phong trào bất bạo động và dân chủ của người Tây Tạng lưu vong. Đây là ngày có ý nghĩa chính trị nhất trong lịch sử Tây Tạng.
Tin tức về 86.000 người đàn ông Tây Tạng, phụ nữ và trẻ em đã bị tàn sát bởi quân đội Cộng sản Trung Hoa Lục Địa sau khi một cuộc nổi dậy năm 1959 chống lại sự chiếm đóng bất hợp pháp của Cộng sản Trung Hoa về Tây Tạng, và những con số tổng cộng cũng đã vượt quá 1,2 triệu người Tây Tạng đã chết trong những năm qua chống lại chế độ Cộng sản Trung Hoa. Tuy nhiên, như đã nói bởi Jigme Norbu, cháu của Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma, "Chúng tôi đã không chống lại người dân Trung Hoa Lục Địa. Họ là con người giống như chúng ta. Nhưng chúng tôi hoàn toàn chống lại chính sách Cộng sản Trung Hoa". Thật bi thảm, Norbu đã tử nạn bởi một tai nạn xe hơi trong cuộc *Walk for Tibet* ở Florida.
Người Tây Tạng và ủng hộ viên choTây Tạng trong nhiều quốc gia Mỹ, Bỉ, Đức, Ấn Độ, Úc và các nước khác trên thế giới đang đoàn kết cho một ngày của cuộc biểu tình hòa bình để thu hút sự chú ý đến tình hình thảm khốc tại Tây Tạng. Cho đến nay, Chính phủ các nước trên thế giới vẫn không đề cập đến các hành vi bạo lực ngày càng tăng của quân đội Cộng sản Trung Hoa đối với Tây Tạng tự vệ bên trong đất nước của họ. Tự do ngôn luận, báo chí, hiệp hội, công ăn việc làm và tôn giáo, tất cả bị lấy đi từ một quốc gia mà chưa bao giờ là một phần của Trung Hoa Lục Địa.
Việc tiêu hủy nền văn hóa của Tây Tạng và sự đàn áp người dân một cách dã man trong suốt 20 năm sau cuộc nổi dậy, 1.200.000 người Tây Tạng đã chết , một phần năm dân số của đất nước, là kết quả của chính sách Cộng sản Trung Hoa, theo ước tính của chính phủ Tây Tạng lưu vong. Còn nhiều hơn nữa là những người mòn mỏi trong các nhà tù và trại lao động khổ sai. Có hơn 6000 tu viện, đền thờ và các tòa nhà văn hóa và lịch sử khác đã bị phá hủy và tài sản của họ bị cướp bóc. Tù nhân chính trị Tây Tạng chịu đựng điều kiện khắc nghiệt trong tù, kể cả tra tấn, thiếu thốn thức ăn và thiếu ngủ và trong thời gian dài trong các phòng tù cô lập. Đọc một cuốn tự truyện của Đạt Lai Lạt Ma hay nói về sự tự do với bạn bè ở Tây Tạng có thể được xếp loại "nguy hiểm cho nhà nước".
"10 tháng 3 là ngày khởi nghĩa Tây Tạng và ở khắp mọi nơi sẽ là một ngày để nâng cao nhận thức cho Tây Tạng. Đáng buồn thay, chúng ta vẫn còn phải thêm một lần nữa. Mọi người đều mong muốn cho ngày đó không có nhiều cuộc tuần hành phản đối, nhưng chỉ là những cuộc đi bộ kỷ niệm cho một Tây Tạng đã giành lại tự do của quốc gia này từ sự đàn áp lớn ", bà Brigitte von Bulow, Chủ tịch Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do nói như vậy. Không phải bằng bạo lực, nhưng với các cuộc biểu tình hòa bình, chúng tôi khuyến khích tất cả mọi người tham gia, để nâng cao lá cờ Tây Tạng, mặc áo thun Tây Tạng Tự Do và trở thành một phần của một thế giới nhanh hơn bao giờ và kết nối thông qua FB internet để thế giới tham gia vào việc giúp đỡ Tây Tạng.
Xin vui lòng ghé thăm chúng tôi tại:
Ở đó bạn có thể tìm thông tin về tin tức và sự kiện sắp tới.
Nếu bạn muốn có thêm tin tức, xin vui lòng liên lạc unfft@gmx.com.
Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do (UNFFT) làm việc trong tinh thần đoàn kết với nhân dân Tây Tạng trong cuộc đấu tranh của họ cho tự do và độc lập. Chúng tôi là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận có trụ sở tại California, với các thành viên hội đồng quản trị trên toàn thế giới. Vai trò của chúng tôi là kết hợp tất cả các nhóm và cá nhân hỗ trợ Tây Tạng , sau đó kết hợp kiến thức của chúng tôi, từ đó sử dụng sức mạnh của số đông để làm việc hướng tới một mục tiêu chung: một tiếng nói mạnh mẽ cho người Tây Tạng.
For Immediate Release
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
E-mail: unfft@gmx.com
Press Statement on Calling for global demonstrations to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day
Oakland, March 1st, 2011 - More than six decades after Communist China's invasion of Tibet the sad reality remains that Tibet still is not free but continues to be terrorized by its invaders. United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetan exiles, many other Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters in dozens of countries, shall once again march on March 10th to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959 and to show solidarity with the nonviolent and democratic movement of Tibetans in Exile. This is the most politically significant day in the Tibetan calendar.
About 86,000 Tibetan men, women and children were slaughtered by Communist Chinese troops after an uprising in 1959 against Communist China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, and the total figures are well in excess of 1.2 million Tibetans who have lost their lives over the years against the Communist Chinese regime. However, as said by Jigme Norbu, Nephew of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “We have nothing against the Chinese people. They're human beings just like us. It's the Communist policies we are totally against.” Tragically, Norbu was killed by a car accident during his most recent *Walk for Tibet* in Florida.
Tibetans and Tibet supporters in the USA, Belgium, Germany, India, Australia, and many other countries of the world are uniting for a day of peaceful demonstrations to draw attention to the dire Tibetan situation. To this date, Governments of the world still do not speak against the increasing acts of violence by the Communist Chinese army against defenseless Tibetans inside their own country. Freedom of speech, press, association, jobs, and religion have all been taken away from a nation which was never a part of China.
The destruction of Tibet’s culture and oppression of its people was brutal during the 20 years following the uprising. 1.2 million Tibetans, one-fifth of the country’s population, died as a result of Communist China’s policies, according to an estimate by the Tibetan government in exile. Many more languished in prisons and labor camps, and more than 6000 monasteries, temples and other cultural and historic buildings were destroyed and their contents were pillaged. Tibetan political prisoners endure harsh prison conditions, including torture, deprivation of food and sleep, and long periods in isolation cells. Reading an autobiography of the Dalai Lama or talking about freedom to friends in Tibet can be classified as ‘endangering state security’.
“March 10 is Tibet Uprising Day and everywhere this shall be a day to raise awareness for Tibet. Sadly, we need to add, again. Everyone longs for the day that no more marches of protest shall be necessary, but only marches of celebration for a Tibet that has regained its freedom from great oppression” said Brigitte von Bulow, Chair of United Nations for a Free Tibet. Not with violence but with peaceful demonstrations, we encourage everyone to join, to raise the Tibetan flag, wear a Free Tibet shirt and become part of an ever faster connected world via FB and internet to get the world involved in helping Tibet.
Please visit us at:
There you can find information about upcoming news and events.
If you would like any more information, please contact unfft@gmx.com.
United Nations for a Free Tibet (UNFFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a nonprofit organization based in California, with board members worldwide. Our role is to umbrella all Tibet support groups and individual Tibet supporters, then combine our knowledge thereby using our strength in numbers to work towards a common goal: one powerful voice to speak up for Tibetans.
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
E-mail: unfft@gmx.com
Tuyên bố báo chí kêu gọi biểu tình toàn cầu để tưởng niệm năm thứ 52 cuộc nổi dậy của người Tây Tạng
Oakland, 01 tháng 3 năm 2011 - Hơn sáu thập kỷ sau khi cuộc xâm lược của Trung Cộng Tây Tạng vẫn là thực tế buồn rằng Tây Tạng vẫn không phải là một nước tự do, nhưng tiếp tục bị khủng bố bởi những kẻ xâm lược của quốc gia này. Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do, cùng với những người lưu vong Tây Tạng, nhiều nhóm / tổ chức của Tây Tạng tự do và ủng hộ viên của họ trong hàng chục quốc gia, một lần nữa tuần hành ngày 10 tháng 3 để tưởng niệm lần thứ 52 của cuộc nổi dậy của Tây Tạng năm 1959 và thể hiện tình đoàn kết với phong trào bất bạo động và dân chủ của người Tây Tạng lưu vong. Đây là ngày có ý nghĩa chính trị nhất trong lịch sử Tây Tạng.
Tin tức về 86.000 người đàn ông Tây Tạng, phụ nữ và trẻ em đã bị tàn sát bởi quân đội Cộng sản Trung Hoa Lục Địa sau khi một cuộc nổi dậy năm 1959 chống lại sự chiếm đóng bất hợp pháp của Cộng sản Trung Hoa về Tây Tạng, và những con số tổng cộng cũng đã vượt quá 1,2 triệu người Tây Tạng đã chết trong những năm qua chống lại chế độ Cộng sản Trung Hoa. Tuy nhiên, như đã nói bởi Jigme Norbu, cháu của Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma, "Chúng tôi đã không chống lại người dân Trung Hoa Lục Địa. Họ là con người giống như chúng ta. Nhưng chúng tôi hoàn toàn chống lại chính sách Cộng sản Trung Hoa". Thật bi thảm, Norbu đã tử nạn bởi một tai nạn xe hơi trong cuộc *Walk for Tibet* ở Florida.
Người Tây Tạng và ủng hộ viên choTây Tạng trong nhiều quốc gia Mỹ, Bỉ, Đức, Ấn Độ, Úc và các nước khác trên thế giới đang đoàn kết cho một ngày của cuộc biểu tình hòa bình để thu hút sự chú ý đến tình hình thảm khốc tại Tây Tạng. Cho đến nay, Chính phủ các nước trên thế giới vẫn không đề cập đến các hành vi bạo lực ngày càng tăng của quân đội Cộng sản Trung Hoa đối với Tây Tạng tự vệ bên trong đất nước của họ. Tự do ngôn luận, báo chí, hiệp hội, công ăn việc làm và tôn giáo, tất cả bị lấy đi từ một quốc gia mà chưa bao giờ là một phần của Trung Hoa Lục Địa.
Việc tiêu hủy nền văn hóa của Tây Tạng và sự đàn áp người dân một cách dã man trong suốt 20 năm sau cuộc nổi dậy, 1.200.000 người Tây Tạng đã chết , một phần năm dân số của đất nước, là kết quả của chính sách Cộng sản Trung Hoa, theo ước tính của chính phủ Tây Tạng lưu vong. Còn nhiều hơn nữa là những người mòn mỏi trong các nhà tù và trại lao động khổ sai. Có hơn 6000 tu viện, đền thờ và các tòa nhà văn hóa và lịch sử khác đã bị phá hủy và tài sản của họ bị cướp bóc. Tù nhân chính trị Tây Tạng chịu đựng điều kiện khắc nghiệt trong tù, kể cả tra tấn, thiếu thốn thức ăn và thiếu ngủ và trong thời gian dài trong các phòng tù cô lập. Đọc một cuốn tự truyện của Đạt Lai Lạt Ma hay nói về sự tự do với bạn bè ở Tây Tạng có thể được xếp loại "nguy hiểm cho nhà nước".
"10 tháng 3 là ngày khởi nghĩa Tây Tạng và ở khắp mọi nơi sẽ là một ngày để nâng cao nhận thức cho Tây Tạng. Đáng buồn thay, chúng ta vẫn còn phải thêm một lần nữa. Mọi người đều mong muốn cho ngày đó không có nhiều cuộc tuần hành phản đối, nhưng chỉ là những cuộc đi bộ kỷ niệm cho một Tây Tạng đã giành lại tự do của quốc gia này từ sự đàn áp lớn ", bà Brigitte von Bulow, Chủ tịch Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do nói như vậy. Không phải bằng bạo lực, nhưng với các cuộc biểu tình hòa bình, chúng tôi khuyến khích tất cả mọi người tham gia, để nâng cao lá cờ Tây Tạng, mặc áo thun Tây Tạng Tự Do và trở thành một phần của một thế giới nhanh hơn bao giờ và kết nối thông qua FB internet để thế giới tham gia vào việc giúp đỡ Tây Tạng.
Xin vui lòng ghé thăm chúng tôi tại:
Ở đó bạn có thể tìm thông tin về tin tức và sự kiện sắp tới.
Nếu bạn muốn có thêm tin tức, xin vui lòng liên lạc unfft@gmx.com.
Liên Hiệp Quốc cho một Tây Tạng Tự Do (UNFFT) làm việc trong tinh thần đoàn kết với nhân dân Tây Tạng trong cuộc đấu tranh của họ cho tự do và độc lập. Chúng tôi là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận có trụ sở tại California, với các thành viên hội đồng quản trị trên toàn thế giới. Vai trò của chúng tôi là kết hợp tất cả các nhóm và cá nhân hỗ trợ Tây Tạng , sau đó kết hợp kiến thức của chúng tôi, từ đó sử dụng sức mạnh của số đông để làm việc hướng tới một mục tiêu chung: một tiếng nói mạnh mẽ cho người Tây Tạng.
For Immediate Release
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
E-mail: unfft@gmx.com
Press Statement on Calling for global demonstrations to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day
Oakland, March 1st, 2011 - More than six decades after Communist China's invasion of Tibet the sad reality remains that Tibet still is not free but continues to be terrorized by its invaders. United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetan exiles, many other Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters in dozens of countries, shall once again march on March 10th to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959 and to show solidarity with the nonviolent and democratic movement of Tibetans in Exile. This is the most politically significant day in the Tibetan calendar.
About 86,000 Tibetan men, women and children were slaughtered by Communist Chinese troops after an uprising in 1959 against Communist China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, and the total figures are well in excess of 1.2 million Tibetans who have lost their lives over the years against the Communist Chinese regime. However, as said by Jigme Norbu, Nephew of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “We have nothing against the Chinese people. They're human beings just like us. It's the Communist policies we are totally against.” Tragically, Norbu was killed by a car accident during his most recent *Walk for Tibet* in Florida.
Tibetans and Tibet supporters in the USA, Belgium, Germany, India, Australia, and many other countries of the world are uniting for a day of peaceful demonstrations to draw attention to the dire Tibetan situation. To this date, Governments of the world still do not speak against the increasing acts of violence by the Communist Chinese army against defenseless Tibetans inside their own country. Freedom of speech, press, association, jobs, and religion have all been taken away from a nation which was never a part of China.
The destruction of Tibet’s culture and oppression of its people was brutal during the 20 years following the uprising. 1.2 million Tibetans, one-fifth of the country’s population, died as a result of Communist China’s policies, according to an estimate by the Tibetan government in exile. Many more languished in prisons and labor camps, and more than 6000 monasteries, temples and other cultural and historic buildings were destroyed and their contents were pillaged. Tibetan political prisoners endure harsh prison conditions, including torture, deprivation of food and sleep, and long periods in isolation cells. Reading an autobiography of the Dalai Lama or talking about freedom to friends in Tibet can be classified as ‘endangering state security’.
“March 10 is Tibet Uprising Day and everywhere this shall be a day to raise awareness for Tibet. Sadly, we need to add, again. Everyone longs for the day that no more marches of protest shall be necessary, but only marches of celebration for a Tibet that has regained its freedom from great oppression” said Brigitte von Bulow, Chair of United Nations for a Free Tibet. Not with violence but with peaceful demonstrations, we encourage everyone to join, to raise the Tibetan flag, wear a Free Tibet shirt and become part of an ever faster connected world via FB and internet to get the world involved in helping Tibet.
Please visit us at:
There you can find information about upcoming news and events.
If you would like any more information, please contact unfft@gmx.com.
United Nations for a Free Tibet (UNFFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a nonprofit organization based in California, with board members worldwide. Our role is to umbrella all Tibet support groups and individual Tibet supporters, then combine our knowledge thereby using our strength in numbers to work towards a common goal: one powerful voice to speak up for Tibetans.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Solidaritätsaktionen in ganz Deutschland, 10. März 2011
Solidaritätsaktionen in ganz Deutschland
Im Gedenken an den Tibetischen Volksaufstand vom 10. März 1959 ruft die TID auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu bundesweiten Solidaritätsaktionen auf.
9. März 2011 Dresden
Lesung: Tsering Woser Ihr habt die Gewehre, ich einen Stift
Bibliothek Gorbitz Sachsen-Forum, Merianplatz 3 19:00 Uhr Eintritt FREI Mehr...
10. März 2011 Stuttgart
Feierliche Flaggenhissung
11:00-16:30 Uhr Feierliche Flaggenhissung in Stuttgart mit TID-Infostand. Ca. 12.30 Uhr Rede von Michael Föll, Erster Bürgermeister von Stuttgart, Schlossplatz.
10. März 2011 Darmstadt
Flaggenhissung auf dem Luisenplatz
8:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung an den Flaggenmasten vor der Sparkasse in Anwesenheit der Dezernenten Partsch und Wenzel, Luisenplatz.
10. März 2011 Köthen
Lesung aus Tsering Woesers Buch „Ihr habt die Gewehre, ich einen Stift“
19:00 Uhr Benefizveranstaltung „Tibet – Mythos und Wirklichkeit“ anlässlich der Flaggenaktion der TID am Donnerstag, Stadtbibliothek Köthen, Marktplatz 1.
10. März 2011 Düsseldorf
Mahnwache am Rathaus
11:00 Uhr Mahnwache auf dem Marktplatz vor dem Rathaus in Düsseldorf
10. März 2011 Freising
TID-Infostand auf dem Marienplatz
14:00-18:00 Uhr TID-Infostand auf dem Marienplatz, Freising.
10. März 2011 Ulm/Neu-Ulm
Mahnwache mit Flaggenumzug
12:00 - 13:00 Mahnwache am Rathaus Neu-Ulm; 13:00 - 14:00 Gang von Neu-Ulm nach Ulm zum Hauptbahnhof, wo 3 tib. Flaggen hängen; 14:00 - 15:00 Mahnwache am Hauptbahnhof Ulm.
10. März 2011 Karlsruhe
Flaggenhissung mit Mahnwache
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung mit Mahnwache, Kaiserstraße.
10. März 2011 Mönchengladbach
Demozug und Mahnwache
16:30 Uhr Demozug von der Oberstadt über die Hindenburgstrasse zum Mahnwachenort am Kaufhof, Treffpunkt Städt. Fahnenmast vor dem Rathaus Abtei (50 m hinter dem Balderich)
10. März 2011 Nürnberg
Mahnwache vor der Lorenzkirche
15:00 - 19:00 Uhr Mahnwache vor der Lorenzkirche/Stadtzentrum.
10. März 2011 Dresden
Infoveranstaltung zum 52. Jahrestag des Volksaufstandes in Tibet
"Gorbitzer Krug" Leutewitzer Ring 33 19:30 Uhr Eintritt: FREI Mehr...
10. März 2011 München
09:00-11:00 Uhr Solidaritätskundgebung zum Jahrestag des tibetischen Volksaufstandes im Jahr 1959 vor dem chinesischen Generalkonsulat, Romanstraße 107 in 80639 München.
10. März 2011 Bielefeld
Aktion "Give a Hand to Free Tibet"
11:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung vor dem Alten Rathaus, 12:30 Uhr Aktion "Flaggen am Jahnplatz" Mehr...
10. März 2011 Würzburg
Mahnwache und TID-Infotisch
17:00-20.00 Uhr Mahnwache und TID-Infotisch vor der Augustinerkirche, Dominikanerplatz 2.
10. März 2011 Potsdam
Aktion „Flagge zeigen für Tibet“
11:00 Uhr Aktion „Flagge zeigen für Tibet“ am Stadthaus; in der Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79-81. Mehr...
10. März 2011 Hamburg
Demonstration „Eine Flagge für Tibet“
15:00 Uhr Demonstration „Eine Flagge für Tibet“ auf dem Alma-Wartenberg-Platz über den Spritzenplatz bis zum Altonaer Bahnhof begleitet von der Musikgruppe SALAMANDA DUO und „tibetischer Gefangener“. Mehr...
10. März 2011 Frankfurt
Kundgebung und Demonstrationszug
12:00 Uhr Kundgebung vor der Alten Oper; von dort Demonstrationszug zum chinesischen Generalkonsulat; Mainzer Landstraße 175; außerdem gibt es einen Infostand auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt.
10. März 2011 Bremen
17:00 Uhr Mahnwache auf dem Bremer Marktplatz.
10. März 2011 Berlin
Solidaritätskundgebung vor der chinesischen Botschaft
15:00-16:00 Uhr Solidaritätsaktion vor der chinesischen Botschaft; S/U-Jannowitzbrücke.
12. März 2011 Deggendorf
TID-Infostand zum Thema "10. März 1959"
9:00-14:00 Uhr TID-Infostand zum Thema "10. März 1959", am Deggendorfer Stadtplatz, "Oberer Stadtplatz-Buchhandlung Pustet Info: Josef Schmid; E-Mail:josef33@t-online.de 0171/1744381
Flyer zum Aktionstag:
Im Gedenken an den Tibetischen Volksaufstand vom 10. März 1959 ruft die TID auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu bundesweiten Solidaritätsaktionen auf.
9. März 2011 Dresden
Lesung: Tsering Woser Ihr habt die Gewehre, ich einen Stift
Bibliothek Gorbitz Sachsen-Forum, Merianplatz 3 19:00 Uhr Eintritt FREI Mehr...
10. März 2011 Stuttgart
Feierliche Flaggenhissung
11:00-16:30 Uhr Feierliche Flaggenhissung in Stuttgart mit TID-Infostand. Ca. 12.30 Uhr Rede von Michael Föll, Erster Bürgermeister von Stuttgart, Schlossplatz.
10. März 2011 Darmstadt
Flaggenhissung auf dem Luisenplatz
8:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung an den Flaggenmasten vor der Sparkasse in Anwesenheit der Dezernenten Partsch und Wenzel, Luisenplatz.
10. März 2011 Köthen
Lesung aus Tsering Woesers Buch „Ihr habt die Gewehre, ich einen Stift“
19:00 Uhr Benefizveranstaltung „Tibet – Mythos und Wirklichkeit“ anlässlich der Flaggenaktion der TID am Donnerstag, Stadtbibliothek Köthen, Marktplatz 1.
10. März 2011 Düsseldorf
Mahnwache am Rathaus
11:00 Uhr Mahnwache auf dem Marktplatz vor dem Rathaus in Düsseldorf
10. März 2011 Freising
TID-Infostand auf dem Marienplatz
14:00-18:00 Uhr TID-Infostand auf dem Marienplatz, Freising.
10. März 2011 Ulm/Neu-Ulm
Mahnwache mit Flaggenumzug
12:00 - 13:00 Mahnwache am Rathaus Neu-Ulm; 13:00 - 14:00 Gang von Neu-Ulm nach Ulm zum Hauptbahnhof, wo 3 tib. Flaggen hängen; 14:00 - 15:00 Mahnwache am Hauptbahnhof Ulm.
10. März 2011 Karlsruhe
Flaggenhissung mit Mahnwache
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung mit Mahnwache, Kaiserstraße.
10. März 2011 Mönchengladbach
Demozug und Mahnwache
16:30 Uhr Demozug von der Oberstadt über die Hindenburgstrasse zum Mahnwachenort am Kaufhof, Treffpunkt Städt. Fahnenmast vor dem Rathaus Abtei (50 m hinter dem Balderich)
10. März 2011 Nürnberg
Mahnwache vor der Lorenzkirche
15:00 - 19:00 Uhr Mahnwache vor der Lorenzkirche/Stadtzentrum.
10. März 2011 Dresden
Infoveranstaltung zum 52. Jahrestag des Volksaufstandes in Tibet
"Gorbitzer Krug" Leutewitzer Ring 33 19:30 Uhr Eintritt: FREI Mehr...
10. März 2011 München
09:00-11:00 Uhr Solidaritätskundgebung zum Jahrestag des tibetischen Volksaufstandes im Jahr 1959 vor dem chinesischen Generalkonsulat, Romanstraße 107 in 80639 München.
10. März 2011 Bielefeld
Aktion "Give a Hand to Free Tibet"
11:00 Uhr Flaggenhissung vor dem Alten Rathaus, 12:30 Uhr Aktion "Flaggen am Jahnplatz" Mehr...
10. März 2011 Würzburg
Mahnwache und TID-Infotisch
17:00-20.00 Uhr Mahnwache und TID-Infotisch vor der Augustinerkirche, Dominikanerplatz 2.
10. März 2011 Potsdam
Aktion „Flagge zeigen für Tibet“
11:00 Uhr Aktion „Flagge zeigen für Tibet“ am Stadthaus; in der Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79-81. Mehr...
10. März 2011 Hamburg
Demonstration „Eine Flagge für Tibet“
15:00 Uhr Demonstration „Eine Flagge für Tibet“ auf dem Alma-Wartenberg-Platz über den Spritzenplatz bis zum Altonaer Bahnhof begleitet von der Musikgruppe SALAMANDA DUO und „tibetischer Gefangener“. Mehr...
10. März 2011 Frankfurt
Kundgebung und Demonstrationszug
12:00 Uhr Kundgebung vor der Alten Oper; von dort Demonstrationszug zum chinesischen Generalkonsulat; Mainzer Landstraße 175; außerdem gibt es einen Infostand auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt.
10. März 2011 Bremen
17:00 Uhr Mahnwache auf dem Bremer Marktplatz.
10. März 2011 Berlin
Solidaritätskundgebung vor der chinesischen Botschaft
15:00-16:00 Uhr Solidaritätsaktion vor der chinesischen Botschaft; S/U-Jannowitzbrücke.
12. März 2011 Deggendorf
TID-Infostand zum Thema "10. März 1959"
9:00-14:00 Uhr TID-Infostand zum Thema "10. März 1959", am Deggendorfer Stadtplatz, "Oberer Stadtplatz-Buchhandlung Pustet Info: Josef Schmid; E-Mail:josef33@t-online.de 0171/1744381
Flyer zum Aktionstag:
UNFFT Press release, March 1st, 2011: Press Statement on Calling for global demonstrations to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising
UNFFT Press release, March 1st, 2011: Press Statement on Calling for global demonstrations to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day
For Immediate Release
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
E-mail: unfft@gmx.com
Press Statement on Calling for global demonstrations to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day
Oakland, March 1st, 2011 - More than six decades after Communist China's invasion of Tibet the sad reality remains that Tibet still is not free but continues to be terrorized by its invaders. United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetan exiles, many other Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters in dozens of countries, shall once again march on March 10th to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959 and to show solidarity with the nonviolent and democratic movement of Tibetans in Exile. This is the most politically significant day in the Tibetan calendar.
About 86,000 Tibetan men, women and children were slaughtered by Communist Chinese troops after an uprising in 1959 against Communist China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, and the total figures are well in excess of 1.2 million Tibetans who have lost their lives over the years against the Communist Chinese regime. However, as said by Jigme Norbu, Nephew of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “We have nothing against the Chinese people. They're human beings just like us. It's the Communist policies we are totally against.” Tragically, Norbu was killed by a car accident during his most recent *Walk for Tibet* in Florida.
Tibetans and Tibet supporters in the USA, Belgium, Germany, India, Australia, and many other countries of the world are uniting for a day of peaceful demonstrations to draw attention to the dire Tibetan situation. To this date, Governments of the world still do not speak against the increasing acts of violence by the Communist Chinese army against defenseless Tibetans inside their own country. Freedom of speech, press, association, jobs, and religion have all been taken away from a nation which was never a part of China.
The destruction of Tibet’s culture and oppression of its people was brutal during the 20 years following the uprising. 1.2 million Tibetans, one-fifth of the country’s population, died as a result of Communist China’s policies, according to an estimate by the Tibetan government in exile. Many more languished in prisons and labor camps, and more than 6000 monasteries, temples and other cultural and historic buildings were destroyed and their contents were pillaged. Tibetan political prisoners endure harsh prison conditions, including torture, deprivation of food and sleep, and long periods in isolation cells. Reading an autobiography of the Dalai Lama or talking about freedom to friends in Tibet can be classified as ‘endangering state security’.
“March 10 is Tibet Uprising Day and everywhere this shall be a day to raise awareness for Tibet. Sadly, we need to add, again. Everyone longs for the day that no more marches of protest shall be necessary, but only marches of celebration for a Tibet that has regained its freedom from great oppression” said Brigitte von Bulow, Chair of United Nations for a Free Tibet. Not with violence but with peaceful demonstrations, we encourage everyone to join, to raise the Tibetan flag, wear a Free Tibet shirt and become part of an ever faster connected world via FB and internet to get the world involved in helping Tibet.
Please visit us at:
There you can find information about upcoming news and events.
If you would like any more information, please contact unfft@gmx.com.
United Nations for a Free Tibet (UNFFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a nonprofit organization based in California, with board members worldwide. Our role is to umbrella all Tibet support groups and individual Tibet supporters, then combine our knowledge thereby using our strength in numbers to work towards a common goal: one powerful voice to speak up for Tibetans.
Im Gedenken an den Tibetischen Volksaufstand vom 10. März 1959 ruft die TID auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu bundesweiten Solidaritätsaktionen auf.
Losar Rally 2138 (Saturday, 05-03-2011)

Protest on Saturday, 5-3-2011, from 2 pm to 4 pm
in front of the new vietnamese communist generalconsulate in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, Western Germany.
Villa Hanoi, Kennedy-Allee 49, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Western Germany.
Organizer of the Rally: The Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag Movement.
Down with the communist regime in Vietnam !!!

United Nations For a Free Tibet
Promoted by International Tibet Movement , a new “Week of Action for Tibet” Campaign is also on the schedule of UNFFT during the period between Losar on March 5 and Uprising Day
5 March, Losar 2011/2038: The Year of the Iron Rabbit
"New Year, New Generation, New Hope.”
March 5th kicks off the year 2138 in the Tibetan lunar calendar - the Year of the Iron Hare.
Losar/Cultural Resistance events and celebrations will be held in many cities around the world. Please consult the Events section on the main page of http://unitednations4freetibet.com for times and locations.
At the UNFFT we are celebrating Losar by renewing our efforts to promote Tibetan musicians, writers, bloggers and Global Letter-writing to Tibetan political prisoners.
To start celebrations, Download and send a Losar PDF card to friends. Alternatively, make a Losar image your profile picture on Facebook. Also, look on YouTube for LOSAR songs and add to your mails/FB. A great one to send around is also the Tibetan National Anthem.
Learn more about the cultural resistance in Tibet. Visit www.ihearttibet.org . High Peaks, Pure Earth, www.highpeakspureearth.com posted a blog with a new Yudrug music video. We recommend reading and promoting this blog, the video and the works of "Waterfall of Youth - Dhondup Gyal".
Join UNFFT Global Losar Celebration and Rallies:
Frankfurt, Germany:
What: Losar Rally
Where: In front of the new Vietnam General consulate in Frankfurt
In front of the Hanoi Villa, Kennedy Allee 49, Frankfurt (Sachsenhausen)
When: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 14:00 to 16:00
Email: unfft@gmx.com
Website: http://unitednations4freetibet.com/unfft/news
Presented by the United Nations for a Free Tibet, and Vietnamese friends.
Prague, Czech
What: Pro Tibet and Losar celebration
Where: In the Prague town hall
When: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 13:00 to 23:00
Email: unfft@gmx.com
Website: http://www.losar.cz/
The Activities in Other Countries (To be Announced)
10 March, Tibetan Uprising Anniversary
On March 10 2011, United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetans, many Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters all over the world, shall march to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959 (in which thousands of Tibetans lost their lives) and to show solidarity with the nonviolent and democratic movement of Tibetans in Exile. This is the most politically significant day in the Tibetan calendar. Please invite your friends and others to join in solidarity with the Tibetan people any of the marches or events.
For more information you can visit our website:
If you would like any more information, please contact unfft@gmx.com.
We are also on skype: you can find us under freetibet2012
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: In Nytorv Copenhagen
Time: 16:30
Organized by: Støtte Komitet for Tibet, SFT and UNFFT
Contact: unfft@gmx.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Tibetan Flag raising ceremony and rally
Location: Berkeley City Hall, Berkeley, CA
Time: 8:30 am
Organized by: United Nations for a Free Tibet
Contact: unfft@gmx.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: In front of the Alten Oper, March to the Chinese General consulate, Mainzer Landstreet 175, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Middle Germany.
Time: 12:00 pm
Organized by: Tibet Initiative in Deutschland e.V. and United Nations for a Free Tibet
Contact: unfft@gmx.com or nhan0912@googlemail.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: Pune (TBA)
Visit UNFFT's website for locations of March 10th protests and events.
Contact for more details: unfft@gmx.com
The Activities in Other Countries (To be Announced)
We have commenced a FASTING FOR TIBET from march 1 - march 10 to raise awareness and funds for Tibet, to teach about Losar & Uprising Day and in solidarity with all Tibetans. http://facebook.com/fastingfortibet
Anyone can join, any time!
United Nations for a Free Tibet’s store is online NOW !!!
For t-shirts with the UNFFT logo: you can find those on
Contact Information:
If you have any comments or questions, please email unfft@gmx.com
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
And please take a moment to forward this newsletter to friends and supporters.
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign-up for UNFFT Friends at http://groups.google.com/group/unfft-friends
To subscribe click here or email us at unfft@gmx.com
Help us continue our work by joining or donating to the UNFFT. Please Visit at:
and, if you have time to volunteer, contact unfft@gmx.com
About us
United Nations for a Free Tibet (UNFFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a nonprofit organization based in California, with members worldwide. We are all volunteers and none of us gets paid.
Protest on Saturday, 5-3-2011, from 2 pm to 4 pm
in front of the new vietnamese communist generalconsulate in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt am Main, Western Germany.
Villa Hanoi, Kennedy-Allee 49, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Western Germany.
Organizer of the Rally: The Vietnamese Heritage and Freedom Flag Movement.
Down with the communist regime in Vietnam !!!
United Nations For a Free Tibet
Promoted by International Tibet Movement , a new “Week of Action for Tibet” Campaign is also on the schedule of UNFFT during the period between Losar on March 5 and Uprising Day
5 March, Losar 2011/2038: The Year of the Iron Rabbit
"New Year, New Generation, New Hope.”
March 5th kicks off the year 2138 in the Tibetan lunar calendar - the Year of the Iron Hare.
Losar/Cultural Resistance events and celebrations will be held in many cities around the world. Please consult the Events section on the main page of http://unitednations4freetibet.com for times and locations.
At the UNFFT we are celebrating Losar by renewing our efforts to promote Tibetan musicians, writers, bloggers and Global Letter-writing to Tibetan political prisoners.
To start celebrations, Download and send a Losar PDF card to friends. Alternatively, make a Losar image your profile picture on Facebook. Also, look on YouTube for LOSAR songs and add to your mails/FB. A great one to send around is also the Tibetan National Anthem.
Learn more about the cultural resistance in Tibet. Visit www.ihearttibet.org . High Peaks, Pure Earth, www.highpeakspureearth.com posted a blog with a new Yudrug music video. We recommend reading and promoting this blog, the video and the works of "Waterfall of Youth - Dhondup Gyal".
Join UNFFT Global Losar Celebration and Rallies:
Frankfurt, Germany:
What: Losar Rally
Where: In front of the new Vietnam General consulate in Frankfurt
In front of the Hanoi Villa, Kennedy Allee 49, Frankfurt (Sachsenhausen)
When: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 14:00 to 16:00
Email: unfft@gmx.com
Website: http://unitednations4freetibet.com/unfft/news
Presented by the United Nations for a Free Tibet, and Vietnamese friends.
Prague, Czech
What: Pro Tibet and Losar celebration
Where: In the Prague town hall
When: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 13:00 to 23:00
Email: unfft@gmx.com
Website: http://www.losar.cz/
The Activities in Other Countries (To be Announced)
10 March, Tibetan Uprising Anniversary
On March 10 2011, United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetans, many Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters all over the world, shall march to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959 (in which thousands of Tibetans lost their lives) and to show solidarity with the nonviolent and democratic movement of Tibetans in Exile. This is the most politically significant day in the Tibetan calendar. Please invite your friends and others to join in solidarity with the Tibetan people any of the marches or events.
For more information you can visit our website:
If you would like any more information, please contact unfft@gmx.com.
We are also on skype: you can find us under freetibet2012
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: In Nytorv Copenhagen
Time: 16:30
Organized by: Støtte Komitet for Tibet, SFT and UNFFT
Contact: unfft@gmx.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Tibetan Flag raising ceremony and rally
Location: Berkeley City Hall, Berkeley, CA
Time: 8:30 am
Organized by: United Nations for a Free Tibet
Contact: unfft@gmx.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: In front of the Alten Oper, March to the Chinese General consulate, Mainzer Landstreet 175, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Middle Germany.
Time: 12:00 pm
Organized by: Tibet Initiative in Deutschland e.V. and United Nations for a Free Tibet
Contact: unfft@gmx.com or nhan0912@googlemail.com
Date: March 10th
Event: Rally
Location: Pune (TBA)
Visit UNFFT's website for locations of March 10th protests and events.
Contact for more details: unfft@gmx.com
The Activities in Other Countries (To be Announced)
We have commenced a FASTING FOR TIBET from march 1 - march 10 to raise awareness and funds for Tibet, to teach about Losar & Uprising Day and in solidarity with all Tibetans. http://facebook.com/fastingfortibet
Anyone can join, any time!
United Nations for a Free Tibet’s store is online NOW !!!
For t-shirts with the UNFFT logo: you can find those on
Contact Information:
If you have any comments or questions, please email unfft@gmx.com
United Nations for a Free Tibet
P.O. Box 10044, Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (202) 3221 7888 USA
And please take a moment to forward this newsletter to friends and supporters.
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign-up for UNFFT Friends at http://groups.google.com/group/unfft-friends
To subscribe click here or email us at unfft@gmx.com
Help us continue our work by joining or donating to the UNFFT. Please Visit at:
and, if you have time to volunteer, contact unfft@gmx.com
About us
United Nations for a Free Tibet (UNFFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a nonprofit organization based in California, with members worldwide. We are all volunteers and none of us gets paid.
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